Get Involved

Why Foster?

Deciding to foster is a decision your entire family needs to agree to.  If you decide to foster, you will be providing a very valuable service which will enable us to find our greyhounds their loving families.  There is nothing more important to our work than families willing to provide a temporary home for a Grey awaiting adoption.

Important Information About Fostering

  • We provide the medical care and food for your foster greyhound.  What you provide is your time, patience, and love to help your foster dog acclimate to a new home environment in the following ways:
  • House train your foster.  Generally, this is not a difficult process since your foster is already crate trained.
  • Help your foster learn to walk quietly by your side on a leash.  Most Greyhounds are good at this already.
  • Teach your foster about tile or hardwood floors, sliding glass doors, stairs and swimming pools.  Items they have not encountered previously.
  • Teach your foster to live harmoniously with other pets.
  • Help your foster learn home manners such as not begging at the table  or jumping on the furniture.

In some cases, Greyhounds will need to learn about children, stairs, sharing toys, and being alone. 


Separation anxiety can be an issue for some, therefore, it’s helpful for the foster family to help with the transition to this part of home life also.  Greyhound puppies have never been alone as they are kept with with their Moms and littermates until they are ready for training. Then they live in a kennel with other dogs and people around them continually.  When you leave the house,  some may panic when they realize they are all alone for the first time ever in a new and unfamiliar place.  Teaching them that their family will return is an important part of fostering also.  

As a foster parent, it is beneficial for you to bring your foster Greyhound  to meet & greets or make arrangements for volunteers to bring them to these events.

We always need foster homes.  If you have love to give and truly want to help the greyhounds, please ask us about fostering.  

Requirements to Foster

Many people ask what the “qualifications” to become a foster parent are. The most important things are to have a love for dogs, time and a home.   Adoptable Greythounds of Florida provides foster families with all monthly medications and veterinary care for the dogs while they’re in foster care.

People often think they need to have a large house with a big yard to become a foster parent, but that’s not the case. Our foster families live in a variety of homes. Whether you live in a house, condo or apartment, yard or no yard, fence or no fence, you will be able to foster a greyhound.  If you don’t have a yard, you can exercise your foster dog by taking it on leashed walks or to a fenced dog park.   What a great way to get exercise, show off your foster hound and meet new friends!


Do you like to drive?

AGoF often has the need of a volunteer to help transport a dog or dogs. It may be a short local trip from a foster home to the vet. Or a longer trip moving a dog from one home to another. Maybe a trip to another state to pick up new retirees. Let us know if this is of interest and we will add you to our list.


As a non-profit we try very hard to have cost effective practices in the care of the dogs. Expenses do add up however. Donations using the donate button on the website are always appreciated. If you have a fundraising idea and would like to help let us know. AGoF is always looking for a creative and fun way to help with expenses.